In tonight's blogging I'm going to talk about basic essentials in taking care of natural black, biracial, and curly hair. 1) Be super careful when combing is essential. 2) Start combing from the ends and work your way to the roots. 3) Take a detangling brush or comb and run it through your hair after detangling to make sure all knots are gone. 4) Take each peace of your detangled hair and braid it in a plat until its ready to style. Tip: -It is best to detangle when wet. After a hair wash and conditioning. 1)Natural detangling methods. 2)Mashed raw African shea butter. 3)Conditioner. Retaining growth, moisture and length: 1)Keep your hair plated down into parts at night to help retain your hair length. 2)Protecting your hair from breakage requires having a satin scarf to wear to bed, satin sheets, and pillow cases. 3)Having the proper headwrap is essential as well. A bonnet, or a satin hair tie is best. 4)Protective Styles to protec...