Here are some important natural hair tool tips from of key hair tools to use on a daily basis for a healthy natural hair journey. I myself am a huge fan of the denim brush for in the shower detangling while wet. I use the wide tooth comb to get a more smooth look after detangling my hair while wet.
While all the other hair tools listed her great for detangling the natural 3b to 4c hair type. the tangle teezer did not work well for my 4a/ 4b/ 4c hair type. But worked better for my daughter who has a 3b/ 3c hair type. It's a great source for silky like curls, and helps while detangling to not hurt so much. It makes the process easier and less painful.
All other brushes are all hair type friendly.
While all the other hair tools listed her great for detangling the natural 3b to 4c hair type. the tangle teezer did not work well for my 4a/ 4b/ 4c hair type. But worked better for my daughter who has a 3b/ 3c hair type. It's a great source for silky like curls, and helps while detangling to not hurt so much. It makes the process easier and less painful.
All other brushes are all hair type friendly.
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